Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Curious Case of M

I've chosen to remain anonymous for a few reasons:

1) Having possible family members and co-workers stumbling onto my private thoughts is super creepy. I know one family member in particular who Google's my name (DAD) to see what I have been up to and will follow me and later text me asking if what I wrote is appropriate. I'm about to turn 30, I'm pretty comfortable with what I put out onto the internet at this point.

2) Anonymity makes me feel a little freer. Like I can't be judged because in the end you have no idea who I am but you still know enough to relate.

3) There are always things that I would rather keep private. I have slowly become more introverted over the past couple of years and I'm attempting to stop further recession. Baby steps.

I apologize in advance for what will most likely be scarce pictures, and if there are some, then they will be obscured and hard to identify as me and my family. No one wants to just read a blog with no pictures. Face it, even if I don't know you I can even admit I like to see your pictures--so I believe SOME pictures are necessary.

My purpose in this blog is simple: I need an outlet.

My lifestyle is different and a lot of people don't understand, and by all means this isn't a place for me to whine and complain, but finding others who can relate is difficult. So here goes.

I have not lived with my husband and our pets for a year now. My husband and I have different jobs, but in the same field and we have been separated because we don't have the opportunity to be placed together. Unfortunately, our kind of job is not the kind that you can simply up and quit. You just can't. 

We don't even live on the same coast, infact. And it has been explained to us that we may not live near each other for possibly another 2 years...which was hard to swallow....

Over the last year we have gotten to see each other on 2 occasions for a few days {which were bliss} but organizing the next time we get to meet is never certain. It's always like a big pause in our life. A big question mark.

My close friend tried to relate once about her significant other by saying "I know about the long distance thing. He and I live 45 minutes apart and we only get to see each other a few times a week and it's really hard on us."

I didn't have much to say. I know she was trying, and it came out of love and care, but no. It's not the same. It's not even in the same galaxy. I didn't get to hear my husband's voice for a few months at one point and when I finally heard it I couldn't remember what he sounded like. He answered and I said his name like a question because I didn't believe the person on the other end of the phone was him. We have had times like this before, but the duration of that time was so long that his voice became unfamiliar to me.

So here I am. Out here in the abyss of the internet asking "Can anyone hear me?!?!"

Things aren't bad. Things can always be so much worse. So if you feel comfy with the notion of my curious life, feel free to join in.

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